Eetika ja IT

Ühiskondliku leppe teooria I believe that this particular theory could be a good start for creating a code of ethics for IT. Why ? Social contract theory is ideal for IT, because it is based on people's observance of rules and laws without any fear of anything, but for the sake of being convenient and comfortable for them and they do not want to destroy this stability. This is especially convenient for IT, due to the fact that in IT, in my opinion, there is no such amount of power that could create fear of people for breaking any rules. Although if you think harder, you begin to understand how difficult it is to create such a code, and even though it is difficult to imagine exactly how it can be done, I am sure that it is possible and will be implemented someday. And in general, I believe that the Theory of Social Contract is so “universal” that it must be used in any code and that it will serve the order and compliance with the rules.