Arvutid ja paragrahvid IIː litsentsid ja autoriõigus
Nowadays, every author of his program thinks about which license to choose to protect his program? Today it is possible to split all licenses, into licenses with and without copyleft.
Probably the most popular non-copyleft license is the MIT license. It is very simple, it is very easy to install it on your project, just attach a text file with a couple of lines and then your program will be protected. This license is permissive, without copyleft. It allows you to use and modify the code in almost any way, provided that the text of the license itself and the attribution do not disappear anywhere, even if you break the original project into pieces. Also, the undeniable advantage of this license is its small size. The lack of regulation of patent relations is noted as a disadvantage.
The most famous of the free licenses. Not in the sense that everyone understands her well, but in the fact that she is heard most of all. Since it is called free, many people mistakenly believe that code released under the GPL can be used in any way, and software can / should only be free. Both are not true. The GNU GPL is a copyleft license, and requires that the source code of derivative works be made public under it. That is, if you decide to use a GPL-covered library in your project, you will have to provide the project source code to the final recipients for free, even if you distribute the product for money. Yes, the sale of the program by a license is quite permitted. Also, such a license is much stricter than the MIT license and if used incorrectly can cause problems for the author.
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