
Сообщения за октябрь, 2020

Arvutid ja paragrahvid IIː litsentsid ja autoriõigus

  Nowadays, every author of his program thinks about which license to choose to protect his program? Today it is possible to split all licenses, into licenses with and without copyleft. MIT Probably the most popular non-copyleft license is the MIT license. It is very simple, it is very easy to install it on your project, just attach a text file with a couple of lines and then your program will be protected. This license is permissive, without copyleft. It allows you to use and modify the code in almost any way, provided that the text of the license itself and the attribution do not disappear anywhere, even if you break the original project into pieces. Also, the undeniable advantage of this license is its small size. The lack of regulation of patent relations is noted as a disadvantage. GNU GPL 3  The most famous of the free licenses. Not in the sense that everyone understands her well, but in the fact that she is heard most of all. Since it is called free, many people mistake...

Arvutid ja paragrahvid Iː tants intellektuaalomandi ümber

     Today, the protection of intellectual property is very important, we can often hear or read on the Internet that some small company has dropped a complaint against the IT giant for using their patents and sometimes even a small company wins such a case.      It seems to me that the most common types of intellectual property protection are patents and Copyright. Most often, you can probably hear about copyright when there are some fairly minor violations that usually do not come to publicity, I would say that copyright problems are easier to solve, unlike problems with patent infringement. At the same time, patent infringement is something louder, and most likely I think so because I often hear that it is large companies that have problems with patent infringement, especially in IT. As far as I know, IT giants nowadays are used to just buying up small companies that have the patents they need, but all of these can sometimes be heard as some "Apple" used...

Tarzan suurlinnas: võrgusuhtluse eripäradest

  Make yourself look good online       It seems to me that these days a lot of Internet users do not understand how important it can be to look good on the Internet. I believe that now we can already say that most often we evaluate people for the first time by how they look online.      For me personally, this is a very important point and this is most likely due to the fact that I myself get the first impression about a person from how he behaves on the Internet or how his Facebook page looks. And it seems to me that I am not the only one doing this, which is why it is so important. Today, even employers often, before hiring you, check you on the Internet, how you conduct your page and just what your "lifestyle on the Internet" looks like. Due to the fact that these days the Internet has spread with such force that it has already become something personal for many, and for this very reason, we can get a picture of a person from his online profile...

Info- ja võrguühiskond

     The development of information and communication technologies is an important aspect for many countries, as for Estonia it is possible to say that a very important aspet and can be seen even today, in which directions it was able to develop most and least.  ICT products and services account for 20% of total exports.     For Estonia, this figure is very important, as 20% of the total export volume is a lot. I also think it is very important because now we are more and more immersed in the IT world every day and at a time when the world's leading countries export fossil fuels and natural resources that will become less relevant in the future, Estonia is exporting ICT products and services which will become more valuable in the future. And who knows, maybe due to this, Estonia can become even more valuable for our world thanks to IT and it will give even more powerful leap for the development of the country. Learning has been personalized through the...