
Сообщения за сентябрь, 2020

Uus meedia...?

 The impact of new media components Nowadays, a huge number of people already use the Internet, and everyone has already discovered the most useful sitesfor them, which they often use and know that they can find answers to their questions on them, or simply be able to find out something important to them. Wikipedia For me this site is wikipedia. Honestly, if I now want to remember how many times I have already accessed this site, then I simply cannot, it will be a pretty impressive number. When I first learned about such a site as Wikipedia, I could not even think then that I would visit it so many times. For me, Wikipedia has become the place where I can always find answers to my questions. For the most part, I use Wikiepedia for the very first acquaintance with the topic that interests me, since not all the information on it is always correct, then I often have to use other sources, but even in this case there are advantages. When I study some issue not from one side, but from se...

Arpanetist Facebookini - Interneti kujunemislugu

     We all know that the first computer network appeared very many years ago and you were most likely visited by the idea that the Internet has changed a lot over the years and that what was used decades ago has already gone but something else reamains and we still use it and today we will try to figure it out.  Symbol @       The ARPANET Demonstration was not the only major event in 1972. At least two other events took place at the same time, which had a huge impact on the development of computer technology. In 1972, Ray Thomilson (BBN) wrote a program that allowed you to send emails over the ARPANET. He also introduced the designation "user@host" and used the symbol @, which later (since 1980) was enshrined in the international standard for email addresses. It turns out that nowadays, we still use the symbol @ which was invented more than 45 years ago and it seems to me that people will not forget this symbol very soon. [ 1 ] NSFNET Nowadays, a...

Noppeid IT ajaloost

  Three IT startups that have taught us something new with their failure.   1. Juicero (Raised $118.5 million ) [ 1 ] [ 2 ]     Founded in 2013, Juicero was known for their $699 wifi-connected luxury juicer that required proprietary juice packs. Original founder, Doug Evans, compared himself with Steve Jobs in his mission for juicing perfection, explaining how his juice press had the force to “lift two Teslas.”       Although the CEO, Jeff Dunn, former president of Coca-Cola North America, argued that the Juicero was “much more” than just a juicer, the public seemed to disagree. When Bloomberg released a video that showed that their juice packets could be squeezed by hand just as quickly, if not faster, consumers were dissuaded by the seemingly obsolete and large machine.      After shifting resources to lower the price of the machine and their juice packs, Juicero shut its doors 16 months after its initial launch. What can be ...